
Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in which dried plant materials called “moxa”. It is burned on or very close to the skin’s surface. The aim is to warm up and stimulate the flow of Qi in the body. It warms the meridians and dissipates cold. It can be used to promote circulation over areas of chronic pain or muscle tension.

How does it smell like?

There is a small inconvenience associated with moxibustion: the smoke and smell. Although there are so-called smokeless types of moxa, the preferred real moxa (made from mugwort) produces a lot of smoke when burned. In our clinic we often use small amount of moxa cone, because it is very small so the smell and the smoke is very acceptable. 

What is moxibustion used for?

Moxibustion can be used to prevent disease and maintain health as part of tonifying treatments to help strengthen organs and the immune system. It warms the meridians and dissipates cold. It can be used to promote circulation over areas of chronic pain or muscle tension. It is mainly used for pain that is worse when exposed to cold or damp weather, such as some types of arthritis pain, and protection against colds and flu strains. When applied to acupuncture points that strengthen and lift the qi, moxibustion can strengthen the immune system and help with fatigue, digestive problems and much more.

What needs attention after moxibustion ?

Try to drink more warm water after the moxibustion. And avoid showering or bathing for one day.

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